Exhibition Opening

From HappenArt

BARDOLINO 2020 – Teather



Script and direction by Marc Charriot 

Theater : Les rendez-vous d’ailleurs – Oct 21/22, 2020 Paris (France)


A Saturday evening in December. In a difficult area of a large city north of Paris. Marlène, a young guitarist, finds herself stuck in the elevator of one of the two towers that make up the City of the Grandes Croix.

Time passes and the emergency breakdown system seems to be totally out of order. Fortunately, during his tour, Alexandre, delegated security agent of the city, hears noise in the elevator.

Used to this situation, he applies his usual “Pro-to-school” while waiting for help: dialogue, sharing, comfort and, even, impromptu dinner! But, that night, things seem to take a whole different turn.

Perhaps the improbable prisoner of the elevator is not there by chance …


Bardolino 2020

Marcolandcie→ 109 RUE DES HAIES – PARIS 20e


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