Alexandra Bircken: A — Z
Museum Brandhorst – Until January 16, 2022 Munich (Germany)
Alexandra Bircken’s art is based on the principles of separating and combining our internal and external worlds. From May 2021, the Museum Brandhorst will dedicate the largest exhibition to date to the works of this internationally renowned German sculptor. How do we approach our immediate environment? Do we seek to shelter or expose ourselves to it without resistance? Are we vulnerable or armed and unassailable? How is our body made up in a tech-driven age when it seems like just an archaic relic? These increasingly relevant questions play a key role in the work of German sculptor Alexandra Bircken.
Similar to that of machines.
“My work is based on observations of human life and our environment. It’s about our vulnerabilities and how we can protect ourselves. And on the expectations and demands that modern society places on us and that we place on ourselves. The way we operate is often similar to that of machines, ”Bircken explains. Given this theme, the human body is therefore almost always at the center of his works. With its complex states and conditions. His envelopes and coatings, and his variety of desires, he is the central point of reference in Bircken’s work. It can also be understood as a contribution to a media theory of the body. In thematically structured rooms, the exhibition will examine Bircken’s sculptural vocabulary for the first time. Which will bring works from the past two decades into a dialogue that explores the artist’s multi-layered statements on surface, body, movement, shell and skin.
Museum Brandhorst→ https://www.museum-brandhorst.de/
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