Pierres Soulages
Centre Pompidou – Until March 9, 2020 Paris (France)
2020 marks the centenary of Pierre Soulages. One of the greatest artists of our time. His pictorial production is impressive (over one thousand six hundred canvases). And accompanied by other creations, limited by their number
From the end of 1946, Soulages definitely broke with figurative representation. While questioning historical abstraction like that of Malévitch or Mondrian. Soulages chooses very young the color which carries in it all the others, black. He remains very attached to it, so much so that it contributes to its artistic identity.
Roman Art.
Major in his art. It is available, depending on the tools with which it is applied. On smooth or uneven surfaces. Which reveal a multiple and unsuspected light. With his attachment to the art of the origins and to Romanesque art. Soulages develops its creation outside of any styling group. According to a solitary and free approach. Its numerous exhibitions and publications. The multiple interviews of which bear witness to a forged work. In loyalty while remaining open to the unexpected.
Centre Pompidou – Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004 Paris (France)
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