Lee Friedlander: Retrospective
C / O Berlin Sept. 11 to Dec. 03 2021 Berlin (Germany)
A motorcyclist rushes straight at us, headlights on, grabbing our attention and carrying the smell of asphalt and gasoline from a television screen into a nondescript hotel room. This photo is from Lee Friedlander’s Little Screens series. Who sees televisions making their triumphant entrance into the daily lives of Americans, as a mass medium of explaining the world. Its publication in 1963 in Harper’s Bazaar paved the way for Friedlander’s subsequent success as an artist. He is now hailed as one of the most influential photographers after 1950.
Debut in Germany.
Hosted by C / O BerlinBerlin, the Lee Friedlander. The retrospective exhibition now celebrates its debut in Germany, showcasing the American master’s six-decade work. From his early days as a young photographer, taking photos of jazz legends for record covers. His first non-commercial projects during long road trips across the United States and Europe. Until his photographic explorations of himself and his family. Despite their large number, his photographs are highly recognizable and unique in their fundamental visual characteristics. Friedlander, who has yet to go a day without taking a photo. Combines intuitive experimentation with an impressive (re) collection of cultural references. He uses public spaces to depict stories from American history. Storefronts and street scenes for making social observations.
C / O Berlin→ https://co-berlin.org/
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