Exhibition Opening

From HappenArt

Viktor Vicsek – Until Feb 16

Viktor Vicsek

Light Installations by Viktor Vicsek

 Festival at Battersea Power Station – Until Feb 16, 2020 London (UK)


Banishing the winter blues, Battersea stages a light festival of four installations. At the former power station whose distinctive chimney columns punctuate the south London skyline. Perhaps the most visually striking is Talking Heads, created by Viktor Vicsek. Two heads, each composed of 4,000 customisable LED lights. React to one another to create a myriad of facial expressions. The light installations, free to enjoy from 8th January until 16th February. Also include a large interactive screen with a thousand buttons. Which you can use to make patterns. 140 filtered fluorescent tubes which bring light to the historic Grade II*-listed Coaling Jetty. And an interactive neon sign which draws you in with its bright colours. Provoking message and loud rustling noises.


Viktor VicsekViktor Vicsek

Battersea Light Festival – Battersea Power Station, Circus West, Battersea, Sopwith Way, London SW8 4NN

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