Lichtundfire gallery – Until Feb 26, 2021 New-York (US)
With Vian Borchert. Laura Duggan. Jane Fire. Edward Jackson. Don Keene. Joyce Pommer. Lenora Rosenfield. Alexandra Rozenman and Robert Solomon.
Lichtundfire is pleased to present and welcomes all to the opening reception of RESHUFFLE. Jointly conceived by Robert Curcio, curcioprojects, and Priska Juschka, Lichtundfire, featuring nine artists from the US and Brazil.
Vian Borchert’s new cityscape paintings are part of a series called “On The Road”
Here is Vian Borchert’s statement about his work in the exhibition:
“In my latest works which are a combination of painting and collage. I aim to deliver a collection of work documenting my life on the road. I intended to present journeys that I embarked upon that take me from point A to point B so to speak. The paintings are a reflection of who I am: my soul, my world and what is currently happening in my life: from the late night thoughts to the corners of the hidden alleys, and to the neon lights that light the way on a night drive.
“On The Road”.
These latest mixed media artwork in a series titled “On The Road” document through my abstract vision the snapshots of what caught my eyes and what I saw on the road. From the factories in New Jersey to the skyscrapers of NYC, the bridges in Delaware to the sunsets in Philadelphia as well as the abandoned allies of Baltimore all spoke to me visually. I contemplated upon the stories of what happened under bridges and over them, along with the faces we meet when we are on the streets.
The execution of the artwork is done through abstract minimal gestural strokes representing cityscapes and showcasing my identity as a painterly artist while the smooth collages are my own photographs taken by me throughout these journeys. In this sense, I wanted the paintings to be entirely made from what consists of what is me, my hands and my vision and not some clippings from a magazine. The camera captures a certain frozen moment in time that is part of our reality while the paintings are a dreamy take of what the subconscious wants to bring to life through colors, brush strokes and lines.
Mixed media elements.
Through the creation of these works which at times felt exhaustively mind bending due to the puzzle-like nature of my approach to the mixed media elements. I felt that every neuron was put at work to create a seamless composition that evokes the senses and encourages an artistic dialogue. I observed with these works how much the universe plays a major role in who we are, and to where we are destined. Through these works, I realized the universe has a huge impact on our lives. I pondered perhaps if one learns to listen, we might understand what the universe has planned for us.
Jack Kerouac.
The titles of the paintings are partially taken from inspirations from literature such as the 1950’s Beat Generation writer Jack Kerouac’s novel “On the Road” while another title “Above Us Only Sky” is taken from John Lennon’s most loved song “Imagine”. Whereas, with the title “The Bridges that Take Me To You” I sought to present the sense of movement and transportation, and an ode to the monumental steel bridges that connect us. “City Steel” presents the strong facades and the steel that has built our cities, and how the whole city stands on the shoulders of such a strong metal. Part literal and part metaphoric, I emphasize through these works my love for the city and my fascination with the industrial look, and how works of architecture have been a great source of inspiration to me as an artist.”
Lichtundfire gallery → 175 Rivington Street, NY, NY 10002, USA
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