Exhibition Opening

From HappenArt

Chagall At Work. Drawings, Ceramics and Sculptures 1945-1970

Chagall At Work Drawings Ceramics and Sculptures 1945 1970

Chagall At Work. Drawings, Ceramics and Sculptures 1945-1970
Centre Pompidou – Oct 04 to Feb 26, 2024 Paris (France)


This exhibition brings together a set of works that entered the collection in 2022, thanks to the generosity of Bella and Meret Meyer. It includes 127 drawings, five ceramics and seven sculptures by Marc Chagall (1887-1985) around three themes: preparatory sketches for the costumes and curtain for “The Firebird” ballet by Igor Stravinsky, sketches and models for the ceiling frescoes in the Opera House commissioned from the artist in 1962, and a set of ceramics, collages and sculptures created from the 1950s to the early 70s.

Post-World War II.

These mature works are representative of Marc Chagall’s activity post-World War II and demonstrate his investment in many projects and commissions that diversified his artistic practice. They also offer an opportunity to enter into the private world of his studio, by showing the development of an entire project.


Centre Pompidou →  Place Georges Pompidou 4e – Paris, France 75004






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